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Your HVAC Unit can affect your Round Rock Utility Bill...

Did you know if your A/C and Heating Unit is not running right or not the right size for your home it can raise your utility bills? It is true, if your system is not functioning properly or is to small or to big it will run longer and raise the cost of your electric utility bills.

Here's a few tips to keep your unit running smart:

  • Have your unit inspected once a year or more often to decrease to possiblity of overpaying for your Round Rock Utility bills.
  • Change out filters bi-monthly if necessary.
  • Clean coils bi-monthly, we can do this for you if you sign up for our Premier Service Agreement.
  • Shade your A/C unit to limit exposure to the Sun.
  • Make sure there is no debris or clutter blocking air flow to your unit.
  • Have AmTech look at the size of your HVAC unit we can let you know if it is to small or to large for the space you are trying to cool or heat.

You Will Make a Difference

By following many of these simple tips you can reduce the cost of your Round Rock utility bills.  By being proactive you can really make a difference in your homes carbon footprint.

AmTech Mechanical Servicing all of Round Rock, Tx