


call: (512)252-1126

HVAC Service in Georgetown, TX

Heat Pumps

Heat Pumps heat and cool your home more efficiently than all electric.

  • Heat Pumps provide reliable, high-efficiency heating and cooling for long-lasting comfort and energy savings.
  • Heat Pumps can also save you up to 55% on your heating bill over traditional all-electric heat and savings up to 30% on your (LP) liquid propane gas bill, if matched with your fan coil. The Fan Coil is the indoor section of your Heat Pump and should be properly matched to the outdoor unit for improved efficiency and long-term reliability.

Example: One of our client’s all-electric-home utility bills was reaching $600.00 in the winter. After installation of a Heat Pump by AmTech Mechanical, his bill was reduced to an average of $285.00 in the winter months.

AmTech Mechanical’s team will recommend a system that is best suited to meet your whole-home comfort needs. That is why we are considered Home Comfort Specialists.

AmTech Mechanical Home Comfort Specialists realize that every home is different. Every person’s needs are different. We look at your entire home and give you tailor-made solutions that best fit you and your family’s needs.

All systems that AmTech Mechanical installs come with a 10-year Compressor and Parts warranty as well as a 2-year Labor warranty. We will match competitor prices, with same-name brand, SEER and EER ratings, model # and accessories with a quote no older than 1 month. All quotes to be matched apples to apples.

HVAC Definitions:

Efficiency Range: SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) and HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) ratings are like your car’s MPG – the higher the number, the greater the potential for savings. Heat Pumps offer a range of efficiencies that reach as high as 20.5 SEER and 13.0 HSPF.

Humidity Management can be controlled by using a two-stage, multi-stage or variable-speed heat pump. It is considered the key to enhanced comfort and efficiency through precision humidity management.

Heater maintenance